If the Winmail.dat is smaller than 20kb, it is unlikely there are files attached. Open & View Winmail.dat file and read all data by using free Winmail.dat Viewer tool from attached Winmail file. This thing mainly occurs when there is no email stored. Graphic interface (no command-line tool).

The BitRecover Winmail DAT Converter Wizard is designed specifically for Windows system, supporting Windows 10 and all other older versions of Windows. Not every Winmail.dat attachment file contains files it may also include information about the email’s layout & styling. Read, open, save, view the existent files on the winmail.dat attachment file. Winmail.dat Reader does not support Windows system, but the usage rate of Outlook among Windows users accounts for a large proportion. When I try to open a Winmail.dat file it does not show any email information.It will now allow you to View your DAT file. To open Winmail.dat files easily one can use this amazing Winmail.dat Viewer software. First, you need to add a file for Viewer: drag & drop your DAT file or click inside the white area for choose a file. These files cannot be open in any other email client except Outlook or Exchange. when i send a PDF, word, excel as a attachment from Outlook 365 app on my desktop it shows up as a winmail.dat attachment in my Outlook mail app on my Samsung Note 9. In case if your Outlook is configured badly then it will send attachments as a file called winmail.dat files or ATT0001.dat files. What is a third-party Winmail.dat Viewer tool?.The only that displays the original message subject and body. Easy-to-use graphic interface (no command-line tool).
It will extract all the items of Winmail.dat items to preview all the emails stored in Winmail.dat files. Winmail.dat Reader - Open winmail.dat files online, Windows or Android » Description Open, convert and save the files on winmail.dat email attachments sent by Microsoft Outlook and Exchange. This service will help you to simply open Winmail.dat files into accessible, readable formats. Yes, Winmail.dat Viewer software can open Winmail.dat files created from all Outlook editions including Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2003 etc. This app is free of charge and fully functional, without the need for further in-app.

It needs to be converted for the content to be accessible. Winmail.dat Opener is a free app that allows you to open these files and view, save or share their contents. Can I open Winmail.dat files created with Microsoft Outlook 2016 edition? ABOUT A winmail.dat file is an email from Microsoft Outlook that can not be read by other email applications.